Reinventing the Future

Trustworthy Multimodal Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Smart Modular Non-Ionizing Breast Imaging Solutions

We do believe in Trustworthy Multimodal AI and Smart Modular Breast Imaging to ensure 12-month prediction and early detection of weak signals of breast cancer before it occurs.

Empowering women stay healthy and safe, and enabling their healthcare providers to be AI-assisted and risk-informed in their medical decision making to fight cancer and save lives.

This is what we the Hopers, we are building and we are committed to.

Let’s Hope Together

This is the future of early breast cancer detection

Hope Valley AI is a French Deeptech Start-up, located in La Rochelle (Headquarters) and in Paris that builds disruptive Trustworthy AI solutions and Computer Vision technologies, resulting from 12 years+ R&D in Nuclear Safety, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) and Risk Engineering fields.

Spin-off from CEA, INRIA and Université Paris-Saclay, Hope Valley AI has been founded in 2024 by Dr Hakima BERDOUZ after over three and a half years in deeptech incubation and technological maturation within CEA ISAS and INRIA Start-up Studio Paris.

Dr Hakima BERDOUZ is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Hope Valley AI. She is a pioneer in the field of Trustworthy AI/ML in nuclear engineering, risk exposure modeling and uncertainties quantification, and the author of 6 CEA patents granted worldwide.

Delphine REMY-BOUTANG is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) at Hope Valley AI. She is an Investor and Serial Entrepreneur with 12 years+ in Tech Business, Digital Marketing, Communication and International Sales.

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2024 Hope Valley AI. All rights reserved.